
The review process will be performed from the electronic submission of your paper. To ensure that your document is compatible with the review system, please adhere to the following compatibility requirements:

The ‘IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents’ must be followed exactly. The conference is required to ensure that documents follow this specification. The requirements are enumerated in:

Papers must be submitted in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) format. All files

  • must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled,
  • must have ‘US Letter’ sized pages,
  • must be in first-page-first order, and
  • must have all fonts embedded and subset.

All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file. There is no guarantee that the viewers of the paper (reviewers and those who view the proceedings CD-ROM after publication) have the same fonts used in the document. If fonts are not embedded in the submission, you will be contacted by the EPEC Technical Committee and asked to submit a file that has all fonts embedded. Please refer to your PDF or PS file generation utility’s user guide to find out how to embed all fonts.

Electronic Paper Submission

When you have your document file ready, gather the following information before entering the submission system:

  • Document file in PDF format
  • Affiliation, email address, and mailing address for each author
  • Paper title
  • Text file containing paper abstract text, in ASCII text format (for copying and pasting into web page form)

To submit your document and author information, go to the EPEC15 section of the EDAS system at: http://edas.info/N18753

If this is your first time using EDAS for this or any other conference, you will need to create a new account by following the link. If you have registered with EDAS for any previous conference, your account will still be valid.

Once you have logged in, choose ‘Papers’ followed by ‘Submit paper’ to submit a new paper. The submission system will present a choice of Symposia for the conference. Choose the most approriate track for your paper and click on the ‘Submit’ icon.

The system will then present an entry form to allow you to enter the paper title, keywords, and abstract text (50-250 words in length). You will be able to enter authors later. After you submit this information, the system will display a form allowing you to upload the paper, add or modify authors, edit the title or abstract, verify the mauscript upload, check the format of the paper, and check the status of your paper. An email message will be sent to the authors’ email addresses to confirm when the paper has been submitted and when the file has been uploaded.

ALL authors must be entered in the online form, and must appear in the online form in the same order in which the authors appear on the PDF.

IEEE Copyright Transfer Form

The IEEE copyright form for your paper must be signed and submitted via the online conference submission system listed above by the final submission deadline of July 27th, 2015.

The copyright forms are available locally in PDF or Microsoft Word file format.

Failure to submit the signed copyright form will result in the automatic withrawal of the paper from the conference.

Page updated 24 January 2015.